Gallux Benefits for (Bio) Layers

Me International - (Bio) Legehennen

Advantages for (bio) laying hens

Let’s get to the point, the biggest focus in your laying operation is the laying performance of your animals. Every wheel of investment, renovation, research and future projects is ultimately only one factor for optimal support. It has been known for a long time that it is also advisable to pay attention to animal welfare from an economic point of view.

Wir haben in langfristig angelegten Feldstudien zusammen mit unseren Partnerbetrieben daran gearbeitet, auf alle hinderlichen Faktoren einzugehen. Trotz guter Grundvoraussetzungen im Stall können Probleme wie Stress, Kannibalismus, Boden- und Schmutzeier oder ein ungewünscht hoher Medikamenteneinsatz. Wir waren der Meinung, dass es bei maximaler

genetic optimization of the animals makes no sense to want to reinvent the wheel.

More importantly, we focused on the basic needs of the animals given by nature. We found that a lighting concept tailored to your animals can help eliminate the problems listed above. It had to be taken into account that there may be differences in the behavior of individual breeds.

Gallux LED lighting for poultry makes it possible to be sensitive to the needs of your animals, and to help you achieve the optimal feed conversion.


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Advantages Gallux

Your unique advantages with our Gallux LED lighting program for laying farms are:

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We see ourselves in the responsibility for our environment.
With our products, we facilitate the daily work of our customers in the
whole world and contribute to the profitability of the farm and animal welfare.