Poultry hygiene training at CID Lines

Me International - Preise und Konditionen

Working in the poultry industry, we all know how important hygiene is.

Efficient and continuous disinfection is an absolute priority. Infections have not only an impact on your profitability but can affect the whole industry. This is why ME International visited the headquarters of CID Lines for training. The focus was on Kenosan and Virocid.

Where Virocid is used, the bacteria viruses, fungi, and spores have no chance. The bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and spraying effect of Virocid® is unique in the world and poses no danger to humans, animals, material or environment.

Kenosan combines an ultra-strong adhesion with a deeply penetrating cleaning effect at very low concentrations! The qualitative formula guarantees a unique cleaning result in the most difficult environments. The cleaning effect is also reinforced by the extremely long contact time of the adhesive foam. Due to the long contact time with the surfaces, work, water, and energy are saved.

Please feel free to contact us for more information about hygiene in your poultry houses.