Since 2001 every year, a special event has been held in Germany. It started as “Girls’Day”, an once a year action day designed to motivate girls and women to take up technical and scientific careers. 2011, boys also joined the event to break the role stereotype for boys as well. First known under the name “Boy´s Day” and “Girl´s Day” it became “Future-Day” and the participation rate is impressive since.
Two children have visited us, boy and girl, and it was fun! We´ve started the day with an introduction about our company, hatcheries and simple breeding processes. We showed interesting and child-oriented videos and presentations about (chicken-) hatcheries and farms in our new conference room. After our presentations, we explained our new LED lighting project. Following this, they were allowed to independently design lighting plans on the computer, as we do for our customers. After a lunch break, we visited a customer (Ostrich-farm) close to our company. This farm is hatching ostriches in a small frame as a family establishment.
The children were able to gain insights into the incubator and ostrich farming while an informative guided tour. We are very happy that both children had lots of fun with us and can imagine a job in our industry in their future. One of the children visited us for the second time in a row. Every year we come up with an exciting program of farm-visits, presentations and simple work that children can follow.
We are looking forward to welcome children to “Future-Day 2019” again!