Converting a BioJector IV-2 (2 syringes) into a BioJector IV (one syringe) is quite simple and does not need any tools. With our BioJector IV-2 we are able to inject two different vaccines with only one penetration BUT with two separate syringes.The two vaccines are coming together only for the injection (in the needle).
Step by Step instruction: #
- Make sure that the BioJector IV-2 is “Off” and there is no vaccine bottle/bag connected to the syringes.
- Take out the two syringes from the BioJector.
- Demount part no. 530500; Syringe Tip with fitting (marked red at the left syringe; picture below) and replace it with art. no. 530006 Syringe Tip.
Attention! Make sure that all valves and springs are still inside. - Put away the right syringe incl. tube and the tip nut with fitting.
- Put back the left syringe into the BioJector (Left Syringe-holder).
- Before you start to vaccine with the BioJector please make sure that all settings are correct. Therefore please read our BioJector manual.
Do NOT vaccinate before checking all settings carefully.